Are you on the Waiver, but want more control over how you manage the funds?
You may have heard of the CDC Plus program. This program allows representatives and consumers to choose how their funds are used.

What is CDC Plus?
CDC Plus stands for Consumer-Directed Care. It is a program under the Waiver that allows parents to oversee their child’s waiver funds directly. In exchange for the freedom of overseeing the budget (and being able to spend the funds more flexibly), the parent or representative assumes the responsibility for the majority of the paperwork. That includes keeping employee files, tracking timesheets and expenses, completing the billing for services, and overseeing the funding in general. Another exchange they make is the total waiver budget is reduced by 8% and then another 4% to cover the APD costs of being the fiscal agent. The theory behind this reduction is that if parents are allowed to oversee the funding directly, they will be more fiscally prudent and essentially do a better job with less money. In our experience, this is true 100% of the time.
Steps to Get Started on CDC Plus
Step 1: Find a Representative
The first step to getting on the CDC Plus program is to find someone who is willing to be the representative. This is the person who does all of the paperwork and CANNOT be a paid position. Usually, it is a parent or close family member. This person will complete the representative training.
Step 2: Application & Enrollment Packets
Both the application packet AND the enrollment packet must be completed and sent to the CDC consultant, who will complete their portion of the paperwork and then submit it to APD/CDC Plus.
Once CDC Plus has processed and approved the application and enrollment packet, a budget will be generated and sent to the representative and the consultant.
Step 3: Purchasing Plan & Hiring
The representative will create a purchasing plan and locate and hire an employee. Once a prospective employee is identified, the employee packet must be completed, and the employee must be sent for background screening with a specific clearinghouse vendor.
Once completed, these two items will be sent back to the consultant, who will proof them and send them to APD/CDC for final approval.
If all goes well, then you are officially on the CDC Plus program on the first of the following month.