You can’t win if you don’t play!
Let us show you how to play.
Navigating the Florida Medicaid Waiver system doesn’t have to be so hard. We can help no matter where you are in the process of applying for resources for your child with special needs.
Getting Waiver services is like winning the lottery. Let us show you how to get your ticket, increase your chances of winning, and what to do if you get a lucky ticket!
Are you on the Waitlist?
Learn about the Florida Medicaid Waiver and why and how to apply.
Are you in Crisis?
Learn about the criteria and how to apply for Crisis.
Already on the Waiver?
Learn about the CDC Plus program and how to maximize your budget.

Feeling overwhelmed and confused?
We are here to help.
You’ve heard of the Florida Medicaid Waiver and that you should apply. But you’ve also heard that the waitlist is years long, so you think, “Why bother?”
Or, you try to get started on the application but keep putting it off because more pressing matters need your attention. Or, you think you applied correctly, but you’re not sure about your application’s status or your place on the waitlist.
Maybe you’re one of the fortunate families that were put on the Waiver. But you’ve heard of a flexible program that allows you to pay for supplies and services with more flexibility.
We can help with all of these scenarios and more.
Latest News
Florida Medicaid Waiver Guidance
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