by Carrie Hunsucker | Jun 6, 2023 | Coffee Chat
What is Consumer-Directed Care (CDC Plus)? CDC Plus is an option for families who are already receiving Florida Medicaid Waiver services. In this video, Scarlett explains more about the program and its specifics. If you want to learn more about CDC Plus, check out our...
by Carrie Hunsucker | May 30, 2023 | Coffee Chat
What help will the Florida Medicaid Waiver offer your family? We recently asked parents why they didn’t apply for the Waiver if they could be eligible for services. Many families do not understand the Waiver and what it could do for their children, so we aim to...
by Carrie Hunsucker | May 22, 2023 | Coffee Chat
What is the QSI? Carrie recently had a QSI for her daughter after a 4-year gap due to COVID. In this Coffee Chat, she asks Scarlett to explain what the QSI is and what a parent should expect when they have a QSI scheduled. Watch the video here: If you’re on the...
by Carrie Hunsucker | May 16, 2023 | Coffee Chat
What to Expect When on the Florida Medwaiver Waitlist In this Coffee Chat, Carrie asks Scarlett to explain what a parent should expect to happen after they have been added to the Florida Medicaid Waiver Waitlist. Scarlett lays out what to expect during the years...
by Carrie Hunsucker | May 6, 2023 | Coffee Chat
Why Bother to Apply for the Florida Medwaiver Waitlist? If the waitlist for the Florida Medicaid Waiver can be years, or even decades, long, why bother to apply? In this SNGG Coffee Chat, Scarlett Kibbey explains the benefits of being on the Waitlist, and the...
by Carrie Hunsucker | May 2, 2023 | Coffee Chat
We Were in Crisis – Carrie’s Story Carrie’s daughter has an ultra-rare and severe syndrome called Bohring-Opitz syndrome. Their family applied for the Medwaiver Waitlist in 2016, and she was struggling to manage her daughter’s care. Listen to...