DMEs and CMS (a different CMS!)
Today’s Coffee Chat covers the acronyms CMS and DME.
This CMS is DIFFERENT than last week’s CMS. CMS stands for Consumable Medical Supplies, which are things like diapers, wipes, chucks, or any of the things that you use that are disposable.
DME is short for Durable Medical Equipment, which are things like wheelchairs, special-needs strollers, speech and communication devices, bath chairs, standers, gait trainers, etc. Basically, it’s something that is longer lasting and is a type of medical equipment that your child would use or need for several years.
Your primary insurance may cover CMS or DME. But having the Medwaiver gives you access to Medicaid and additional Waiver funding, which are secondary insurance or monies that cover more of both of these items.
Learn more about the steps to getting on the Waiver, or better utilizing your funds through CDC Plus on our Getting Started page: